Google memang dahsyat.
Berikut rumah kami di Depok.
Koordinat di Google Earth (Latitude, Longitude) = (6°22'11.62"S, 106°48'23.46"E)
Labels: Coba-Coba Google Earth
Dear Guests, this Blog is aimed as my informal thought about theoretical physics and related fields, such as computer science, mathematical physics, philosophy, biophysics and the others. It can be filled by everything which can be an idea or inspiration for my research interest. Regards, Agung Trisetyarso
Google memang dahsyat.
Berikut rumah kami di Depok.
Koordinat di Google Earth (Latitude, Longitude) = (6°22'11.62"S, 106°48'23.46"E)
Labels: Coba-Coba Google Earth
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